If you’ve got a head for design, love being creative and know your way around a computer then web design could be the career for you. Web designers create the visual content that you see on a website. This includes the colours, font, layout and formatting for example. When you think just how many millions of websites there are, you can see that there will always be a need for web designers.
What will I need to know?
Some basic programming language will definitely come in handy, such as HTML, Javascript, Flash or PHP. Search Engine Optimisation knowledge will also be very helpful. You’ll find loads of free resources online to begin understanding the basics but as web development is an ever-evolving field, be prepared for ongoing training and learning.
Am I suited?
One of the most important skills will be a good eye for aesthetics. Take a look at the things around you and lots of websites and get a feel for what looks good, what works well and any ideas you have that could improve something. If you’re passionate about design and technology then that’s a great place to start.
Will I need a portfolio?
When you’re looking for work in this field, it pays to have experience. When starting out, it’s unlikely you’ll have any clients so the best way to showcase what you can do is to design your own website. Eventually, you’ll need to build up a portfolio but initially you need an online presence so launching your own site is the best idea. Remember to always test your work before you launch and treat it like it’s a paid project with deadlines and schedules.
Stay up-to-date
Once you have compiled a portfolio, always keep it updated as web design changes quickly so you don’t want to get left behind with work that looks outdated. Keeping your presence on trend is the best way to market yourself. Think about creating your own personal brand and market yourself as a professional designer. To do this it might be best to contact someone like a ryco seo belfast agency who have support at the end of the phone. An SEO Belfast business have years of experience so it’s worth getting in touch. Success doesn’t very often happen overnight but with some perseverance and patience, it can be a fun journey.
Is it just about design?
Not only do you have to create websites that look great and function well but also the challenge of managing a successful business if you choose to work on a freelance basis. There is a great deal of planning involved, marketing projects and communication that takes place. Many of the necessary skills will evolve over time and cannot be picked up quickly in a classroom.
Skill Set
Excellent communication is vital for dealing with clients or developers. You will have the ability to express yourself clearly and confidently, explain your design ideas, why you chose them and how they are the best choices for the client. Planning is another essential skill. Sometimes inspiration hits like a lightning strike but most times, a bit of planning can kickstart that inspiration. You’ll also need to spend time researching your client’s business and finding out what competitors and related industries are doing.